Title: The Hideki Matsui Story
Author: Isao Hirooka
Publisher: IBCパブリッシング/ 3
Hideki Matsui is a most famous baseball player in Japan. When he was a child, he had a big dream, “I want to be a baseball player.”
He played an active part as a baseball player in junior high school and high school, and he also played an active part in Koshien.
After he graduated in high school, he joined “Yomiuri Giants” as a professional baseball team. He also became a home-run king. And then, he was a most popular player in Japan.
Evaluation: ★★★★★
I like baseball and I often look baseball games. Hideki Matsui is a my favorite baseball player. The older he is, the more injuries he has. However, I believe that he is a best baseball player forever.
Author: Isao Hirooka
Publisher: IBCパブリッシング/ 3
Hideki Matsui is a most famous baseball player in Japan. When he was a child, he had a big dream, “I want to be a baseball player.”
He played an active part as a baseball player in junior high school and high school, and he also played an active part in Koshien.
After he graduated in high school, he joined “Yomiuri Giants” as a professional baseball team. He also became a home-run king. And then, he was a most popular player in Japan.
Evaluation: ★★★★★
I like baseball and I often look baseball games. Hideki Matsui is a my favorite baseball player. The older he is, the more injuries he has. However, I believe that he is a best baseball player forever.
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